Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Easy summer dips

Every few days I try to add in an exercise to my walking routine. Some days are better than others. The other day instead of adding a new exercise I added a major Binge Eating Episode. Usually my BEE happen at night, at home, when I am bored or stressed or angry. Sometimes all three.

This BEE happened during the day as I was wondering what I should write about on my blog. I do research on things like Human Growth Hormone or HGH, I look for role models in fitness (there don't seem to be many), I read articles on woman in business and I EAT.
Here is an example of what I ate...
Honey Wheat Pretzels and Butter
Sometimes shoveling food in my face at an alarming pace, helps me think and keeps my creative juices flowing. It is like an out of body experience, where I see myself in self destructive behavior, but I can't seem to stop the incessant hand to mouth rhythm and blues. These episodes seem to calm an inner struggle I can't identify. But mostly it just makes me feel crappy at the end of my BEE, and depressed. 

So today, instead of having a BEE, I have decided to walk, add an exercise to my routine and commit to not have another BEE, especially while writing about how I am trying desperately to lose another 8 pounds before my daughter's wedding. Which by the way is in two months and twelve days.

Dips, the exercise, not the food, were a favorite of mine, back in my heyday of being an aerobics instructor.
They target the white, mushy crescent rolls on the back of my upper arms. These are really called Triceps, so for the sake of keeping my mind off of food, I will reference my crescent rolls more professionally as Triceps.
Here is what an easy summer dip looks like:
Starting position for easy dips.

Push straight up and complete first easy summer dip!

I am doing three sets 8 easy summer dips today after my walk.  And again in two days, I am committing to my walk, 3 sets of easy summer dips, and three sets of incline push ups. There is no more time for BEE, or excuses, 73 days to go, 8 pounds to lose and a lifetime (ok, so maybe 30 years or so)of self esteem and feeling great!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


BODY MASS INDEX...or BMI, what the heck does that mean to me?
Body mass index is a calculation that takes your height and weight and is an indicator of body fat, unless you are a body builder or elite athlete, and as you may have noticed, I do not fit into either of those categories.

Here is my BMI...I am considered overweight. I really didn't need to a calculator to tell me that. But it is always a good slap back to reality to have confirmation from some other source.

At 144 pounds and 5'3" here is my BMI calculation:

BMI Calculator
Find Your BMI Here
Your bmi is 25.5. You are consideredoverweight.

I must confess, as I am writing this post I am consuming a glass of wine, cheese and crackers and carrots.
Here is what all of those calories look like:

Chardonnay:                             120 CALORIES
Cabot Pepper Jack Cheese:         220 CALORIES
Triscuit Crackers:                       120 CALORIES
Carrots:                                     35 CALORIES         

GRAND TOTAL:                          495 CALORIES

Not a bad meal. At least I am hitting several food groups.

As soon as I lose another 4 pounds, I will be considered "normal" for my BMI.
Since it has taken me 4 months to lose 6 pounds, I guess I won't be "normal" until after my daughter's October wedding.  

Tomorrow is another day. I plan on a strong paced 4 mile walk with Dunkin, which will help jump start those next four pounds. So I can be normal...or at least my BMI will be.

Anyone for another glass of wine?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Should I or shouldn't I?

Every night I face the same challenge when I come home from work. I am usually burned out, mentally trashed and in somewhat of a zombie state. I put on my best face for the first few minutes I walk in the front door so that as I greet my family they get the impression that I am in a good mood.

But then, as I round the entrance into my kitchen I lose the ability to maintain my attempt at good spirits because I am faced with my second job.

Laundry. It looms large in my house. There are piles, upon piles. Dirty, clean, waiting to be folded, folded. You name it, we got it.

Three men in one house equals a boatload of laundry.

Notice how my son (he shall remain 
un-named, but he knows who he is) changes from one pair of gym shorts, just dropping them where he took them off, as he slides on another pair. Who said girls are the fashionistas?

So the questions remains - should I or shouldn't I?

Laundry or ice cream?
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 
1/2 cup
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat 
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 
Saturated Fat 
Trans Fat 
Total Carbohydrates 
Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 8%Iron 0%
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

I guess I shouldn't but I did!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Clean house or exercise

Some people might think making a simple decision or choosing between cleaning your very messy house or exercising would be easy. But not for me. I hate cleaning therefore I don't clean. My sentiments towards exercise are not quite as strong in either direction, therefore I walk for fitness. It is not painful and can be quite enjoyable based on weather, the amount of time I have and my focus. But I HATE cleaning and my attention to it is minimal and very evident by the fur balls floating around the furniture and the piles of laundry in every room.

Today I choose exercise over cleaning.
With my daughter's wedding looming in front of me and my upper arms wobbling around me, today I choose incline push ups.
Here is where I start...notice the weights underneath me...I have only used them once. Notice the broom behind me....I have only used that once as well.

Here I am in the middle of my push up. I try to hold my gut in and tighten my glutes, keeping my body straight, and not dropping my head. 

Here I am trying to push my self back up to starting position! I did 10 pushups , rested for a few minutes and did 10 more! I repeated rest and 10 push ups 5 times for a total of 50 incline push ups!

I noticed the the top of my shoulders were sore, so I need to remember to lengthen my neck and not tense up my shoulders toward my ears. I feel amazed that I am able to do any push ups at all. What could be next..squats, lunges, bicep curls?

More likely, the broom and laundry will call me, or my husband will wonder what the hell I did all day, as the dust, dirt and laundry continue to grow.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Swinging in Maine

I love the outdoors.

For 18 years my husband and I have gone to Moosehead Lake in Maine to go camping. We started our annual camping pilgrimage as romantic,crazy in love newlyweds. We added dogs,children, family and friends each year we returned. Rain or shine it's always just what I need to detox from the stress of work and real life. 

It amazes me to see how the kids quickly adapt to a daily regimen of bike riding, kyacking, swimming and S'mores, leaving behind their daily fix of computers and video games. Of course with their Iphones, they are still in contact with Facebook, friends and the outside world, but at least not for hours at a time.

I love the wholesome feel of camping. The way we get up with the birds, have campfire coffee, and have fun outdoors all day. I sleep better on the hard floor of our tent, cushioned only by a 1 inch thick mat and a sleeping bag, then I ever do at home. 

My husband has no problem sleeping anywhere,day time, nap time or night time!

With my oldest child about to get married and my middle child entering his senior year in high school, I wonder how much longer it will be a "family" camping trip.

Our close friends joined us this year, and they had a blast too. They are real swingers if you know what I mean!